Poloncarz Joins CEA Board in Opposition to Air Traffic Control Privatization

Modified: March 2, 2016 2:24pm

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Named to Directors’ Board of County Executives of America, Erie County Executive Joins Colleagues in Drafting Opposition Resolution

ERIE COUNTY, NY— Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz was recently named to the Board of Directors of the County Executives of America (“CEA”), a non-partisan national association of elected county leaders that discusses and creates policy and advocates on issues that affect their constituents. Poloncarz joined Board members during their February meeting in Washington D.C. to propose and draft a resolution opposing the privatization of the country’s air traffic control system, currently administered by the Federal Air Administration (“FAA”), a move that could reduce the safety of air travel. 

“I am honored to join the Board of Directors of the County Executives of America and work with my colleagues from across the country to strengthen our nation at the county level. Together, we are able to address issues that affect all Americans, adding a strong and unified local voice to the national discourse” said Poloncarz. “Recent conversations about the long-term outlook for the FAA have included proposals to privatize this vital service or change its governance, ideas that are both dangerous and short-sighted. Along with my fellow CEA Board members I strongly oppose any plan to privatize our nation’s air traffic control system and join the Board in urging Congress to appropriate more funding to fully modernize this critical system.”

Poloncarz was joined by Allegheny County (PA) Executive Rich Fitzgerald, Pima County (AZ) Executive Ray Carroll, and Albany County (NY) Executive Dan McCoy in developing and drafting  the resolution.

An independent organization since 1994, the CEA helps county governments serve their residents by acting as a national voice for its leaders and representing their interests at all levels of government. Formerly an affiliate of the National Association of Counties, the CEA fosters an environment in which local governments collaborate on and create policies which can be grown into effective government programs.

Read the CEA memo in opposition to the proposed privatization


For more information on the County Executives of America, visit http://www.countyexecutives.org/.