9/5/14: Bee News - Autumn Outreach from Erie County Seniors, Veterans Departments

As the days of summer dwindle and we become accustomed to cooler weather and crisp nights, the Erie County Department of Senior Services and Veterans Service Agency are busy planning activities and outreach throughout the autumn months. Each of these departments works throughout the year to connect residents with programs and services to educate, empower, and assist them every day here in Erie County, so this month I would like to highlight some of the events they are working on this fall.

Erie County seniors will have an opportunity to have their voices heard about aging in September and October, as the Department of Senior Services is hosting public hearings to hear concerns, ideas, and opinions on 2015 service and plan programs. Topics to be addressed include programs that promote good health, such as nutrition, fitness & wellness, and chronic disease self-management, and also services that support seniors and caregivers such as respite care, transportation, and case management. There will be a lot to discuss, so what’s important to you? The first hearing happens Friday, September 26 at the Downtown library, with the second scheduled for Wednesday, October 30 at the Orchard Park Senior Center. For more information, call 858-7532.  Also, Living Healthy classes for seniors are starting this month. These classes are six weeks long and help older adults manage their chronic conditions and stay healthy and at home longer. 858-6864 is the number to call for more information or to register.  The Department has also announced that Elder Law Day is coming to the Adam’s Mark Hotel on October 23; this is a day of seminars on numerous legal issues that older adults face, with free consultations. Call 858-7532 for more information. 

Our Veterans Service Agency is also working on a month of outreach and activities in September, starting with participating in a Veterans Town Hall Meeting at the VA WNY Health Care System on September 5.  Planning is underway for Patriot’s Day events on September 11, and the Agency will also be a part of the WNY Iraq & Afghanistan Memorial Dedication Ceremony at the Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park on September 13. Preparations are also being made for the annual Veterans Day Parade, a great event that is not too far off. The Veterans Service Agency provides a vital link for local vets to learn more about services and programs available to them, and also connect to services from other veterans’ organizations. A tireless advocate, you’ll find the Agency at the Buffalo Veterans Treatment Court on September 16 and 23 and taking part in the Commander’s Day Reception at the VA WNY Health Care System on September 26 as well. Interested in finding out more about what the Veteran’s Department does?  Visit them at the George F. Lamm Post #622 American Legion Open House on September 13, or just call them directly at 858-6363.

Both of these County Departments have a lot to offer all year round, so I hope you’ll find out more about them.